Carrots for Michaelmas: Musings of a Catholic Wife, Mother, and Occasional Redhead

Giveaway Winner!
February 23, 2012, 3:08 pm
Filed under: Giveaway

….and the winner of the clothbound Penguin Classic edition of Pride and Prejudice giveaway is……..

Comment #27: Mandy!

Mandy, shoot me an email with your address and I’ll have a copy sent to you from Amazon. (haley.s.stewart(at)gmail(dot)com)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday!

GIVEAWAY! (NOW CLOSED): Penguin Clothbound Edition of Pride and Prejudice
February 15, 2012, 4:56 pm
Filed under: Books, Children, Giveaway, Health | Tags: , , ,

Well, it’s high time for a giveaway! Due to the flu bug hitting our house, Lucy getting pneumonia, and Benjamin having asthma attacks…it’s been a pretty lousy past few days. We’re still kind of under the weather and Lucy is still coughing, but I think we are at least on the mend. But wow, with two sick kids and a sick mama…mark down yesterday as a big, fat mothering fail that included tears, desperate threats, and hollering. Apparently, I’m not great at handling a 3-year-old asthmatic wired from albuterol and prednisone, worry about my sweet baby girl (how scary is the word “pneumonia”!), and tending to the two of them while muddling though the day with my flu symptoms. I need a little fun today so…..giveaway? Yes.

Everybody needs one of the beautiful clothbound Penguin classics editions of Miss Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, amirite?

I am completely obsessed with these gorgeous clothbound classics. I talk about them all the time. My in-laws gifted me several for my 26th birthday and I have them all on a pretty shelf in the bedroom. I love that when Lucy reads Miss Austen for the first time, she’ll be reading such a lovely edition. And since I have such wonderful readers, I want to share my love for Austen and these Penguin Classics by doing a giveaway and sending a copy of Pride and Prejudice to a lucky reader.

So, here’s the drill: subscribe to Carrots for Michaelmas via email or an RSS reader and then leave a comment to say you did. If you’re already a subscriber, leave a comment letting me know. For a second entry, leave an additional comment telling me which Austen novel is your favorite and why. For a third entry, share this giveaway on Facebook (you can use the FB “like” button at the bottom of the post under “share it”) and leave an additional comment letting me know that you did. For a fourth entry, you can link to this giveaway on your blog and remember to leave an additional comment telling me you did. Be sure to include an email address or blog where I can reach you if you win! I can only ship the giveaway prize to readers in the continental US. Giveaway ends next Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 at 12pm EST. I will use a random number generator to choose a winner. Giveaway will be announced soon after it closes and I will probably have a book sent to the winner directly from Amazon.

Disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with, Penguin, or (unfortunately) Miss Jane Austen (unless being a fanatical admirer counts). I just like giveaways and saying thank you to my dear readers!

p.s. Does anyone use the Amazon affiliate program on their blog? Do you like it? How does it work?


Wanted: Your Natural Cold Remedies
February 12, 2012, 4:20 pm
Filed under: Books, Children, Giveaway, Health, Husband | Tags: , , , ,

Ironically, I’m a little bit awesome at going through childbirth without meds, but I’m a complete baby when it comes to dealing with the excruciating condition of having a cold. I think Raleigh’s final words in this clip kind of sum it up:

That little Tenenbaums reference was for my big brother who HATES Tenenbaum references. Just a little sibling banter. Cute, right?

First Benjamin got a runny nose which triggered his asthma. Breathing treatments weren’t enough to make the wheezing/coughing go away so Daniel had to take him to Urgent Care to get his oxygen levels checked and to get Prednisone. Daniel slept in his room last night to comfort him when he woke up coughing and to give him a 2am breathing treatment. Benjamin seems to be a little better today. Poor sweet boy!

Last night Lucy woke up coughing and sneezing and I woke up with what feels like a sinus infection. Not much sleep was to be had after that. I can tell that she’s not completely herself, but she’s still a precious, sunny, smiley baby today. I on the other hand, am a whining, miserable mama. So, since I’d like to try some natural remedies before taking anything over the counter since I’m still nursing Miss Lucy, I want all your cold/sinus infection natural remedies. Give them here! And in return…I think I’ll post a giveaway in the next couple of days that involves Miss Austen and those beautiful clothbound Penguin classics.

Carrots for Michaelmas is about to hit 20,000 views and 50 subscribers (as far as I can tell from Google Reader and WordPress, how can you really tell accurately?) so as a thanks to you guys, I think a Giveaway is in order.

My current plan to fight this monstrous cold is to drink unreasonable amounts of hot tea and all the raw garlic I can stand in between hot baths. Now let’s just hope that Daniel doesn’t get sick because then the household would REALLY fall apart.

p.s. Your recommendations of miniseries, etc currently streaming on Netflix would also be greatly appreciated. What’s the use of being miserable if you can’t watch a whole lotta Masterpiece Theatre?

O, Christmas Tree!
December 3, 2011, 8:12 pm
Filed under: Advent, Giveaway | Tags: , ,

This morning we continued the family tradition of going to the Bavarian Christmas Tree Farm in Monticello to cut down a Christmas Tree with Daniel’s parents and sister. Benjamin was been asking to go cut down a tree since last Christmas when he looked like this:

My, he’s precious in that photo! I think he’s gotten much sneakier and sillier over the past year as you can see:

Sweet girl slept through the whole expedition:

I love my family. I love this tradition.

When do you get your Christmas tree? Do you wait til after Advent? Do you wait to decorate until Christmas Eve? I want to know.

P.S. The candle giveaway winner has been announced on the original post


Last Chance to Win Beeswax Candles from Full Moon Apiary!
December 2, 2011, 12:58 pm
Filed under: Giveaway

The Full Moon Apiary Beeswax Candle Giveaway (two candles) ends tonight at midnight! Enter by commenting on the original post (one entry for a comment, subscribe via email or RSS and leave a second comment letting me know for a second entry).

And Benjamin insisted that I share this video with you which he describes as “so hilarious!”

Thankfully, Benjamin slept until 7 this morning. 7! He hasn’t slept that late for a couple of months and I’m so grateful. And Miss Lucy (who has been sleeping at night between 12am and 5am in 1 hour increments…not great) slept a 4 hour stretch again last night like she was doing her first couple of weeks. Yay! Definitely helped with our cold recovery. So ready to not have a congested household!

GIVEAWAY! (NOW CLOSED) Beeswax Candles from Local Apiary: Full Moon Farm
November 26, 2011, 6:53 pm
Filed under: Giveaway | Tags: , , , , ,

While the boys enjoy a well-deserved nap, Lucy and I are relaxing and coming up with a Giveaway for you, dear reader, as I enjoy a post-Thanksgiving-madness/week-of-illness cup of tea. We’re all mostly better, just a little congested. Benjamin’s breathing is easier and Lucy never got a fever, so I think we’re out of the woods with this bug before the new week begins. Yay!

And here’s the giveaway…

Two beautiful beeswax candles from Monticello, FL Apiary, Full Moon Farm! You can see Full Moon Farm around at the Lake Ella Farmer’s Market and other Tallahassee farmer’s markets as well as Tupelo Bakery and the Jefferson’s Farmer’s Market in Monticello. You can also check them out by “liking” Full Moon Apiary on Facebook which has updates about which days they will be at which farmer’s market. I love to support local business and I LOVE beeswax candles. Their natural color and scent is so wonderful. At Lucy’s Baptism, Fr. Tim mentioned when explaining the lighting of candles in the rite that beeswax is the preferred substance for liturgical candles, not only because of its high quality and clean aromatic burn, but also because the bee is a symbol for Christ, tirelessly caring for His Church. Another reason to love beeswax!

It’s a great time for candles as the season of Advent approaches (tomorrow!!!) followed by Christmastide. You could use one for the Christ Candle in the center of your Advent wreath or you could save your candles until Candlemas in February and have them blessed for use in domestic liturgical celebrations for the year.

So…to enter this giveaway, leave a comment on this post. To get a second entry, subscribe via email or RSS feed and leave a second comment to let me know you did (or that you’re already a subscriber). Giveaway ends Friday, December 2nd at midnight and I’ll use a random number generator to choose a winner. I’ll announce the winner Saturday, December 3rd.

Disclosure: Full Moon Farm doesn’t know who I am. I’m just saying thanks to my readers/subscribers with a fun gift and promoting some good local farming.


And the winner is…..Comment #3: Brittany of Sweetly in the Trees  Congrats! Email or FB me your address and I’ll send them next week 🙂