Carrots for Michaelmas: Musings of a Catholic Wife, Mother, and Occasional Redhead

Blueberries for Benjamin
June 18, 2011, 10:04 pm
Filed under: Children, Farm Life, Green Living, Tallahassee Places to Go/See/Eat

Look at that expression! My dad and I took Benjamin to a U-Pick-‘Em Organic Blueberry Farm this morning and I took this one just as Benjamin said, “Kurplink, Kurplank, Kurplunk” as his first few berries landed in his pail.

Doesn’t he look just like Daniel in this one? We started out just after 7am (which was no problem because my son wakes me with his dulcet tones every morning around 6:15am). Benjamin was very excited and taking everything very seriously.

Well…maybe not too seriously.

The blueberries were gorgeous, sweet, and cool, covered in morning dew.

After putting about 10 berries in his bucket, Benjamin decided a taste test was in order.

They must have passed the test because a whole lot of eating and very little picking followed.

(Evidence) Benjamin’s pail is the one on top.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B (AKA “The Tremendous Mouthful”)

But can you blame him? Look how beautiful they are! The flower was Benjamin’s addition: “I picked this pretty yellow flower for you, Mama.”

My 23.5 week pregnant tummy seemed rather in the way. I thought I should get at least one shot of Baby Girl since there are so many of Benjamin.

Grandaddy and Benjamin strike a pose as we head over to the scales to have our berries weighed.


Blueberry picking seems an appropriate activity during the last of the Summer Ember Days when we pause to thank God for the bounty of His Creation.

A Trip to the Country
October 11, 2010, 9:40 pm
Filed under: Tallahassee Places to Go/See/Eat | Tags:

Due partly to the beautiful weather that begs for fun excursions and partly to an undeniable craving for Bradley’s Sausage we took a trip up Centerville Road to Bradley’s Country Store on Saturday with Thomas and Kellie.

For those of you so unfortunate to have never experienced Bradley’s Country Store, please remedy this at once. It’s an old-timey general store about 20 minutes outside of Tallahassee. They’ve got all kinds of stuff, but their specialty is sausage.

This is Daniel, Kellie, and Thomas enjoying our treats on the front porch. Note the sign:

To make it a truly southern experience, we paired IBC Cream Soda with our sausage dogs and Kellie insisted on following it up with Moon Pies. We all decided that we draw the line at Moon Pies. Except for Kellie, she’s still all about Moon Pies.

Our porch sitting included discussions on politics and religion. We really made this authentic.

Do people who don’t grow up in Florida think that Spanish moss is pretty? Because I sure do.