Carrots for Michaelmas: Musings of a Catholic Wife, Mother, and Occasional Redhead

It’s a problem.
November 9, 2009, 7:59 pm
Filed under: Misc

I have a problem.  It’s an addiction to audio books.

It all started with this man, Jim Dale:


He read this:


I listened to it and the other six Potter audio books on road trips from Texas to Florida. I listened to them constantly during my 5 months of miserable nausea during my pregnancy.  Jim Dale was the only cure. I read that infants in utero can recognize their mother’s voice and their father’s voice.  I knew that the most familiar voice to my baby would probably be Jim Dale’s, instead.  And I was ok with that.

The addiction was reborn when he narrated this show:


I was so addicted that I had to listen to this in the midst of the oppressive Texas August:


I thought I could get a hold of myself and end the addiction with this audiobook narrated by somebody else:


But last week I caved and it was back to Jim reading this:


And when I ran out of Peter Pan, I just started right back at the beginning with Harry Potter

I am powerless before his golden voice. Does he read anything else? Help me.

And you should probably see this:

bds137and this:

bds138and this for good measure:bds139

Hopefully there will be more observing of the liturgical year happening soon, definitely once I’m not working full-time anymore starting in January. I’ve been compiling some great resources on the Christian Year which I hope to post soon. I hoped that a few pictures of the little boy would appease my readership until that day.  And when I say “my readership,” I am referring to my one reader, my mother. They are one and the same. Let’s be honest.